Scott Fensterer Sculpture Studio Presents: MONSTER MANOR!
We bid you… Welcome!
We at Monster Manor thank you for stopping by! This website is a one-stop launch pad for all our online content! Scroll down for all the links. So much more on the horizon, monster-lovers, but for now… Creep around and explore the Manor!
Meet the cast of Monster Manor HERE
NEWS from the MANOR!
Click HERE to see what’s new, where to see us at shows, and how to contact us!
Visit The Monster Manor Gift Shop!
Click HERE to enter or brand new GIFT SHOP with dozens of new product available nowhere else!
We are also on Etsy with many of the monstrous creations you’ve come to expect from us! Magnets, ornaments, prosthetics, and decorative items… visit our shop at Etsy today!
MONSTER MANOR is on YouTube!
Click HERE to jump to our YouTube Page! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any new episodes!
We’re on the Book of Faces as well!
Not just videos here, fiends! All sorts of content and networking with other monster-kids!
Click HERE to jump to our Facebook page now and be sure to “Like” and “Share” us while you’re there!
Our Patreon is Open!
Surprisingly, it costs a lot of money to put on a “free” show… If you’d like to help Support MONSTER MANOR, click HERE to make a pledge! Your contribution will help us build sets, create props, and acquire prizes for contests! And did we mention you get some cool SWAG!?!
Show Your Manor-isms!
You aksed, WE LISTENED! More Designs? CHECK! Higher quality shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, and posters? CHECK! Wider selection of merch items? CHECK! Visit our newer and better PRINTIFY store for high-quality merch all designed by your host, Scott Fensterer! Tell them Boris sent you!